Macro Fetish

“We can’t be silent
‘Cause they might be giants”

-They Might Be Giants


Macro fetish, also known as macrophilia, is a sexual fetish for giants. This is more commonly a male fetish where the man is the small person and the woman is the giant, more typically called a giantess. The fantasy typically involves being dominated or eaten by the giantess. This fetish is also called a GTS fetish. GTS is an abbreviation for giantess. 

Attack of the 50 Foot Woman

The sexualized giant woman has been a long standing fantasy. We see representations of women finding power through becoming a giant in movies frequently. The most well-known and obviously sexualized giantess is in the 1950s movie Attack of the 50 Foot Woman. Giantesses have also had starring roles in Monsters vs. Aliens and Jack and the Beanstalk, and made appearances in Alice in Wonderland, Bedazzled, Honey I Blew Up The Kids, Dude Where’s My Car, Beetlejuice, and Pirates of the Carribean: At The World’s End. 

Giantess Symbolism

The giantess is a beautiful symbol of power in a culture where women have trouble attaining it – typically women becoming a giantess is a symbol of growing into power. The men who like to be dominated by giant women also take this to the next level, by going from being a woman’s oppressor to being put in their place by a giantess. Oftentimes this fetish will include elements of humiliation and insulting the man for being so small and useless. 

In Practice

Though there is no Alice in Wonderland magic potion to make you big, there are ways that the giantess fantasy can be lived out. For some people it means finding sexual partners where there is a big difference in height. Through creative video editing and perspective videography, it is also simple to create the effect of a giantess in porn clips, usually made by independent creators of fetish content. Such videos are very popular on tube and clip sites. 

Posted in M


“Bring out your dead.”

-Monty Python and the Holy Grail


Necrophilia is an attraction to corpses or the desire to have sex with dead people. 


There are written accounts all throughout history that talk about necrophilia. Typically the writing is against the practice and not in support of it. The Histories, written in 430 BCE, says that the ancient Egyptians would leave beautiful women to decay for three or fours days before embalming them to discourage intercourse.  In ceramics found in Northern Peru dating from the first to eighth century CE, there were images depicting necrophilia. A Hittite law from the 16th to 13th century BCE explicitly permitted necrophilia.  The Xianbei Emperor Murong Xi had sex with the corpse of his empress. During the Renaissance era in Italy there were many pieces of literature that referenced necrophilia. The most famous modern example is Jeffrey Dahmer. He was a serial killer who kept body parts of his victim and would have sex with the body parts. 

Play Dead!

The only way to have truly safe and legal necrophilia is to roleplay. There are many ways a partner can roleplay necrophilia, from simply playing dead to getting into full cosplay and wearing makeup like they are dead. Depending on the type of fantasy, it could include a death scene where someone dies and then their partner has sex with them or the more traditional where they come upon the “dead body” and have sex with it. In the roleplay, the person playing dead can have no reaction to the sex or it breaks the fantasy.

Vampires and Zombies

There is debate on whether sex with a vampire or zombie would count as necrophilia. On one hand they are both dead, but they also have some kind of animation or consciousness. While typcially sex with a zombie or vampire is not considered necrophilia, there are heavy necrophilia overtones in both vampire and zombie stories. It’s more like erotic versions of these myths are edging on necrophilia.

Posted in N


“It’s not how you pick your nose, it’s where you put that booger that counts.”

-Tre Cool


Nasolingus is the act of licking or sucking on someone’s nose in a sexual fashion. It can also include eating the snot from the person’s nose. 

A Nose for Sex

Any part of the body can be sexy. To find a specific, not usually considered erogenous, part of the body sexy is often called a paraphilia. Nasolingus is a perfect example of paraphilia, because those that love doing it have a sexual attraction to the nose. This attraction goes beyond visual – a person with a nasolingus fetish wants to act out on their attraction and engage in sexual activity with the nose. Typically a sexual encounter with a nose will include sucking and licking, including sticking their tongue up inside the nostrils. For many people, if they are able to suck out snot it is considered a wonderful bonus. Sometimes sex with a nose can include finger penetration but typically it is about the tongue.


There are a few risks with nasolingus. First, sucking someone’s snot is not a good idea. Our body expels bacteria and contaminants out of our body through mucus. Snot is the product of our lymphatic system cleaning itself. This means that snot is a gooey mess of bacteria. Eating this can lead to infection. Sucking snot out of someone’s nose can also lead to infection for the suckee.  Sucking with too much pressure can lead to sinus infections. Additionally, the human mouth is not clean. Sticking your tongue in someone’s nose can introduce harmful bacteria leading to a sinus infection, or other kind of infections. 

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“If you can remove a female character from your plot and replace her with a sexy lamp and your story still works, you’re a hack.”

-Kelly Sue DeConnick


Narratophilia is a fetish where someone finds words and stories to be sexually arousing. Often it is actuated by a partner telling dirty or obscene stories or using dirty words. For some narratophiliacs even writing dirty words can be arousing. 

Erotic History

Though narratophilia is more than just erotic stories, it typically concerns dirty stories. A lot of dirty stories have their history in erotica. Something that was written hundreds of years ago may sound like tame erotica or barely arousing now, but at the time could have been very taboo.  The history of erotica shows us that people have been enjoying, to various degrees, sexual and dirty stories since storytelling first began.

In the 17th and 18th centuries there were a number of poets who became quite famous for their dirty verses. In the 1600s John Wilmon, Earl of Rochester, was infamous for his obscene verses. Some of his poems were so obscene that they continued to be censored until 1953. He is so infamous that a movie called the Libertine, starring Johnny Depp, was made about his life. So popular was dirty writing that an underground magazine circulated in the mid-late 1800s called The Pearl. The Pearl was a dirty magazine that featured stories and images that ranged from erotic to obscene.

A Movie in the Mind

Obscene sexual storytelling is akin to watching a pornographic movie for a narratophiliac. The stories can be told in person, over the phone, or even on a recording. But the most affecting is by a live person on the phone or in person. 

Posted in N


“I love the smell of napalm in the morning.”

-Robert Duvall


Olfactophilia is a fetish for smells and it involves becoming sexually aroused by smells and odors. The arousal typically comes from the smells of the human body, and particularly those coming from sexual body parts. It is also known as osmolagnia, while Sigmund Freud referred to a less sexual version of this arousal as osphresiolagnia.

He Who Smelt It Dealt It

Have you ever taken a moment to take in the lusciousness of your partner’s smell? Maybe you just smell their head or the back of their neck, or maybe you bury your nose in their pubic hair and get a good whiff of their musk. For many people, the smell of our partner evokes feelings of love and comfort, but it can also evoke arousal. Olfactophiliacs are specifically aroused by their partner’s smells and often times the more pungent the better.

Aphrodisiac Odors

Smells have often been thought of as aphrodisiacs. The smell of another person is known to be arousing. For one, pheromones are buried in our body smells and pheromones are known to have a direct arousing affect. An olfactophiliac might also bury their nose in your armpit to smell your body odor, or between your butt cheeks. There are many people that believe smell is the cornerstone of attraction. Freud believed that smell is such a powerful aphrodisiac that as a society we needed to dampen how people smelled so we would not be constantly sex-crazed.

Posted in O


“I like to keep a bottle of stimulant handy in case I see a snake, which I also keep handy.”

-W. C. Fields


Ophidiophilia is a fetish involving platonic or sexual attraction to snakes and the desire to perform sex acts with them. Some people with this fetish are attracted to snakes in just a platonic way rather than sexual. But for those experiencing a sexual attraction to snakes, they express their desires mainly by performing ophidicism, which is a sex act that involves inserting a snake’s tail into the vagina or anus and using the tail as a masturbatory object.


Ophidicism started in ancient Greece. It is believed that some women would stick the head of the snake into their vaginas for masturbation. The snake has been a symbol for sexuality and fertility in many cultures. In some cultures, it is a symbol of forbidden sexuality, such as the story of Adam and Eve and the snake in the Garden of Eden. It is also a symbol of dangerous sexuality, as seen with the sensual snake callers who use flutes to play for snakes that will enter a trance and “dance” out of a basket. In the ancient Indian art of belly dancing, the dancer must learn how to move like a snake. Throughout history there are many artistic depictions of sexual acts with a snake, starting from ancient artwork all the way to modern-day hentai.

Safety & Legality

Ophidicism and acting on ophidiophilia is illegal in most countries, as it counts as bestiality. The physical safety issues are also severe – you could get bitten by the snake or catch salmonella! Since you can’t put a condom on a snake, we suggest sticking to dildos that look like snakes instead of the real deal.

Posted in O


“I try not to drink too much because when I’m drunk, I bite.”

-Bette Midler


Odaxelagnia is a sexual fetish for biting. It can mean either getting sexually aroused from biting or from being bitten.

Always Bite Back

Biting is a very common action for sexual arousal for people. Alfred Kinsey in his legendary Kinsey Report on human sexuality reported that more than half his respondents reported sexual arousal from biting. Using our mouths is a primary tool in the good sex toolbox, but people with the odaxelagnia fetish like biting more than the average bear. They gain intense sexual arousal and pleasure from biting or being bitten. With this fetish, however, the biting does not always have to be with another person. It could mean biting a fruit, or a plush toy, or biting down on an object. It can also mean watching people bite, or doing the biting themselves.


Biting is a great feeling and can be extremely pleasurable. The biggest concern with biting is biting too hard and breaking the skin. The human mouth is filled with bacteria and microorganisms, so a bite that breaks the skin can be very dangerous and can cause serious infection. If you break the skin with biting, make sure to stop immediately, wash the wound and treat it with antibacterial ointment. The wound should be bandaged to keep it clean. If it looks inflamed or infected you should go to the doctor immediately for medical treatment.

Posted in O


“I wrote a song about dental floss but did anyone’s teeth get cleaner?”

-Frank Zappa


Odontophilia is a tooth fetish, or fetish for sexual activities involving teeth. Tooth sexual activity could involve licking teeth, biting teeth, or even taking teeth out, in very extreme cases of the fetish.

Bite Me

Odontophilia is sexual attraction and arousal to teeth and things related to teeth. Typically this does not mean toothbrushes, but rather delves more into medical fetish. A person with a tooth fetish might like to use the apparatus used to hold your mouth open during dental surgery or various other dental props. People with a tooth fetish can be very creative in what activities they prefer. It might involve something as simple as licking your teeth, or maybe leaving tooth imprints on your skin. In more extreme instances it could even include pulling out teeth!


Depending on the level of fetish expression this can be a fairy safe fetish to explore, but like we mentioned above it does have the potential to get dangerous. If biting is involved, you want to make sure you don’t break the skin. If you break the skin, you want to stop and treat the wound immediately by cleaning it out with a disinfectant and bandaging it. A more serious bite may need medical attention. And obviously, it is very dangerous to participate in tooth extractions outside of the dentist’s office, so maybe satisfy this aspect of your fetish by watching medical videos or doing some roleplay without actually pulling out any teeth.

Posted in O


“The hand is the visible part of the brain.”

-Immanuel Kant


Quirofilia is a sexual fetish for hands. It can mean being attracted to a specific part of the hand like the fingers, palm, or nails, or it can be an attraction to non-sexual actions done by the hand such as washing or folding clothes.

Give Me a Hand

Quirofilia is one of the least common fetishes, whereas foot fetish is one of the most common. Typically when people think of a hand fetish they think of handjobs. That can clearly be an element of having a hand fetish, but this fetish goes far beyond that. Just like with a foot fetish, people with hand fetishes like to watch hands do actions such as squeezing sand through their fingers, getting dirty and then cleaned off, or getting pretty with a manicure. A quirofiliac often likes hands to touch them in both sexual and non-sexual ways, and can find sexual arousal with both.

Hand Me Some Intensity

The hand is a highly underrated part of the human body. It is packed with nerve endings, making it one of the most sensitive parts of the body. Hands can be used for very practical things but can also be your most intense erogenous zone. You don’t have to have a hand fetish to enjoy the pleasures of getting your hands touched. Try lightly touching your partner’s hand and run your fingertips up and down their fingers. Lightly touch between their fingers and over their palm. Try licking and biting the hand. Try alternating between firm grabs and feather light touch. You might find hands becoming your new favorite body part!

Posted in Q


“What we find exotic abroad may be what we hunger for in vain at home.”

-Alain De Botton


Xenophilia is an intense desire to bond with foreigners, most often in a sexual manner. It can also defined as an intense attraction to the unknown or different. In everyday life, xenophilia often refers to being sexually attracted to people from different countries or cultures, but in its most extreme it can mean being attracted to fictional alien species or monstrous humanoid creatures from movies and fiction.

I Love To Hate You

Xenophilia and xenophobia are very closely tied together – xenophilia being an intense attraction towards foreigners and xenophobia being an intense dislike or hatred towards foreigners. People who experience xenophilia can also have xenophobia. This leads to a love to hate kind of situation. Xenophilia can easily cross the line from an unexplained love of an unfamiliar culture to a love to dominate that unfamiliar culture, and thus has some uncomfortable similarities to race play.

Dangers of Xenophilia

Typically xenophilia is not taboo because it is based on love and attraction, even if that is stemming from an admiration of the foreign or unknown. However, when it crosses over into racial objectification, domination or humiliation, it becomes potentially more dangerous. For some people xenophilia is rooted in the feeling of the “cultural cringe” where you feel another person’s culture is superior to yours. This can lead to a worshiping type of dynamic or a dominating and punishing one. As long as your xenophilia falls under the category of loving anything foreign or culturally different without any negative or domineering emotions, then you are pretty safe.

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