
“I once had a problem, so I tried group sex. Now I have a new problem – who to thank!”

-Rodney Dangerfield


A foursome is a pretty explanatory term for group sex that involves four people. There are tons of different combinations of people that you can have a foursome with, more so than a threesome – since you have one extra participant! You can have two couples, which might be called swinging depending on what type of community you are in. You can have three girls and a guy, and the lucky dude will have his choice of all the ladies’ holes! There is also the possibility of a foursome with three guys and a girl, where surely all of her holes will get filled by cock. How perfect – three cocks means one each for her pussy, ass and mouth!

Finding Foursomes

If you want to have a foursome then you may be wondering how the heck do you make this happen? You will need to first make sure you have enough confidence and swagger to organize such an affair. Don’t be shy – group sex is the prize at the end of this journey. Try going to a local sex party or find a swingers dating website to find people who might be open to this type of thing. Once you do that, keep in mind what you want to do in a foursome, and keep an eye out for the types of people you want to play with. All it takes is making a few fun friends and getting them together for an evening of sexy fun.

Making it Happen

If you invite a bunch of people over to your house for a foursome, you might have a little trouble getting the whole shindig started. You may want to simply jump into things but people usually need a little warm up. Make sure you have some snacks and entertainment available to get people in the mood. When the time is right, just suggest to go into the bedroom or maybe even set up a game of strip poker in order to heat things up!

Posted in F

Forced Orgasm

“I think that I shall never see a poem as lovely as a hot-gushing, butt-cramping, gut hosing orgasm.”

-Chuck Palahniuk


A forced orgasm happens when you put a high-powered vibrator up to someone’s pussy and then don’t remove it even after they have cum, causing them to cum uncontrollably and even to the point of discomfort. You will notice that most girls get really sensitive after they cum – this causes the multiple orgasm process to become unbearable after a while. But if a submissive girl is tied up with nowhere to go, there’s nothing she can do about her master’s will to make her cum over and over again.

Orgasm Ideas

If you want to experiment with this technique for putting your sub in their place, try starting with some basic bondage. Just tie your sweetie up to the bed using some scarves or tied in a spread eagle position. Then it is best to use a wand-style vibrator on them because those are the most powerful. Just put it straight up to their pussy and make sure it is in the right spot. Then sit back and watch them writhe with orgasm after orgasm. Make sure to have a unique safeword in place so that they can beg you to stop as part of the play, which is a big part of the fun!

Why Do It?

Multiple orgasms are a powerful thing. They can bring a female sub to new heights of pleasure. They can make their pussy so sensitive that a stiff breeze will bring on a new orgasm. It can make sex a whole lot of fun and it’s simply something unique and sexy to try out to bring a new dynamic into the bedroom. If you’ve been experimenting with BDSM, this is one to add to your toolbox.

Posted in F


“And forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet.”

-Khalil Gibran


A footjob is a sexual act well-loved by foot fetishists. In a footjob you basically take your feet and rub them all over a cock. It helps if you lube them up a bit. Some people enjoy putting them together so that the arches are facing each other to make a foot “pussy” that can get fucked. Other people enjoy having a foot used on their pussy to get them off, or even having a few toes inserted into their holes to fill them up. In its most extreme cases a whole foot can get shoved inside of someone as long as their hole can fit it!

Footjob Techniques

Most footjobs start off with feet rubbing. Just rub your feet up and down the cock, but first make sure that they are clean (unless your lover is into dirty soles, of course)! Once you start to really get into it, you can use your toes right on the head of the cock, varying the pressure to create excitement. Then you can lube up your feet and press them against the cock, rubbing up and down evenly to create a level fucking motion. This can easily bring a guy with a foot fetish to orgasm, and a foot fetishist girl that performs this will also think it feels good!

Beyond Footjobs

People with a foot fetish also love to lick and kiss feet. This isn’t considered a footjob but it could certainly be considered foot foreplay. If you’re on the other end of the affair, having your feet kissed and licked feels great! It might tickle a little bit, but that’s OK – some people enjoy the tickling sensation as well. There are even folks that try to fit a whole foot inside of their mouths, and others that enjoy nibbling on the toes.

Posted in F


“Obviously, I did a couple of things right on the old casting couch.”

-Jason Bateman


Casting as a fantasy is what happens when a girl is brought into the office of someone she assumes is an agent for a movie or a music video, but it all turns out to be a ruse to get them to star in a porn video. A lot of times the performers in these movies are real amateurs who haven’t really been in porn movies before, and other times they are popular stars who have already made it in the biz but are into acting out this common fantasy. The casting couch fantasy is one that often depicts college cuties getting duped into a sexual session on camera. Some casting movies are actually auditions for porn as well!

Is it Real or Fake?

Some people worry about whether casting couch porn movies are real or not. To the best of our knowledge a few of them are real, but most of them, like the ones with popular pornstars and professional studio quality productions, are fake. The more amateur the video quality, the more likely it is a true amateur honey who really thought she was going to be auditioning for a music video on this particular day.

Casting Couch Fetish

If you have a fetish for this type of session, then all you have to do is act out a hot roleplay with your partner. Of course it wouldn’t be recommended to attend random auditions in your city and suddenly strip off your clothes, because most auditions are legit. So instead you can get together with your lover and act things out until you feel satisfied with the fucking that occurs. When it’s a fantasy, you always get the part!

Posted in C


“…while finding true love was one of the most splendid things that could happen to you in life, finding a friend was equally splendid.”

-Feliz Palma


Homoromantic is a term that falls under the aromantic umbrella. It is a combination of the prefix homo-, meaning “same”, and romantic. As such, it refers to people that feel romantic attraction towards the same gender as them.

Breaking The Attraction Binary

Terms like homoromantic can be seen as breaking the gay/straight binary. Millennials are rejecting the old tropes and throwing constricting labels to the curb by stacking multiple orientations and identities together. An example could be an identity such as a bisexual homoromantic, which would mean this person can be sexually attracted to more than one gender, but experiences romantic attraction only to someone of their own gender.

Sexuality & Romance

Though the mainstream doesn’t often register romance as being mutually exclusive from sex, homoromantic identities are proof that it can be. Everyone knows you can have sex without romance, be it with a one night stand from Tinder, or like in the common trope of friends with benefits. Homoromantic people can enjoy a romantic relationship with someone of their own gender without sexual feelings necessarily getting in the way. The ace and aro spectrums show us that who we are sexually attracted to (if anyone at all) doesn’t have anything to do with who we are or aren’t romantically attracted to.

Posted in H


“I never wanted something from somebody without being able to kind of reciprocate, I guess.”

-Dan Bilzerian


Recipromantic is the counterpart to reciprosexual. It is a lack of romantic attraction unless someone demonstrates a romantic attraction first. Recipromantic is part of the aromantic spectrum. It does not indicate any other sexual orientation and can be used as its own, meaning you would be attracted to anyone who shows romantic attraction, or it can be used in conjunction with other sexual identities such as heterosexual and homosexual, meaning you would only feel reciprocating romantic attractions to someone that matched your sexual orientation. 

Shades of Gray

There is a common question about whether recipromantic is part of grayromantic. Yes, it can be, but it does not have to be. A grayromantic person will experience more of a fluctuating romantic attraction, leaning more towards aro (being aromantic). A reciproromantic may experience that as well, but they may also be alloromantic with the person they are reciprocating with. Many recipromantics do not identify with the grayromantic term because their romantic attraction is often either on or off. When they are not in a reciprocated romantic situation then they are more aro. When they are in a reciprocated romantic situation, they are more allo (or alloromantic). 

Recipromantic vs Reciprosexual

Someone who is recipromantic may not be asexual – they may be looking for a queerplatonic relationship or be open to a more sexual relationship. A recipromantic person may have a sexual partner but not have any romantic interest in that partner unless they show romantic interest first. Someone who is recipromantic could also be reciprosexual but the two are not specifically connected.

Posted in R


“In all the world there is no love for you like mine.”

-Maya Angelou


A squish is the aromantic and asexual version of a crush. It is a strong desire to have a close platonic relationship with someone. A squish is a platonic attraction rather than a sexual or romantic one.

Why Get Crushed?

A crush is called that for a reason. You have an attraction for someone, they do not reciprocate, and you feel crushed. A squish is more like a hug. What makes a squish great is it does not need to be reciprocal. A squish is the non-heartbreaking “just friends” approach to an aromantic or asexual relationship. When people have a squish they often want it to become a “zucchini”, which is a term used when a squish is reciprocated and has become a queerplatonic relationship partner. Usually the term zucchini is a synonym to “queerplatonic partner”, although its usage is a bit controversial. Some people find it cute and other people find it diminutive or needlessly confusing as a term, maybe even unnecessary.

My Squish is Married

The great thing about a squish is that it does not matter if the person is married, gay, straight, monogamous, polyamorous, asexual, aromantic, allosexual or alloromantic, because it is all about desiring a super close friendship. Some people may describe intense bromances as squishes or even an unacknowledged QPR. 

Posted in S


“A fetish is a story masquerading as an object.”

-Robert Stoller


Having a fetish usually means that you can’t get off unless you have your favored (or fetishized) object, body part or person in mind, or unless you perform a specific action that is highly arousing to you. Fetishes used to be considered psychological problems until very recently. No one knows quite how fetishes develop, and some fetishists feel they were just created that way, but many believe that experiences early on in life can help form them. Some more spiritual people think that fetishes can be related to powerful experiences in a past life. Whatever you believe, if you have a fetish, you have probably gone to great lengths to seek it out!

Examples of Fetishes

There are many different kinds of fetishes. Some of them have to do with clothing. You can have a fetish for a certain material, like latex, or for a specific garment, like a corset. You can also have a fetish for a body part. One of the most common ones is having a foot fetish. You can love bare feet, or even feet in shoes. There can be fetishes for muscles, for breasts, for asses, and even for inanimate objects. One woman even married the Eiffel Tower because she loved it so darn much! There is also a large fetish for stockings and underwear.

Find Your Fetish

When you have a fetish, you may at first feel alone. However, thanks to the internet that feeling will not last very long. Any cursory glance online will show you that there are many groups on the internet for just about any sexual interest. Even the more fringe fetishes that have less of a following have a group out there. You can easily find peers online who are into the same thing. Don’t forget Rule 34 of the internet: if you can think of it, porn of it exists. And if there’s not enough porn of your fetish out there…why not make some?

Posted in F

Female Slave

“True strength lies in submission.”

-Henry Miller


A female slave is someone who has decided to give herself to her master, in a BDSM sense. It’s usually a very self-possessed woman who knows exactly what she wants. She has decided that the BDSM lifestyle is for her, and whether her dominant is a man or a woman, she has agreed to follow certain rules or agreements that they have both agreed upon to make the relationship work. This is usually filed under a 24/7 relationship, but it can also be a playtime fling or anything really. A woman can submit for as long as she wants to.

Where To Start

If you want to play at being a female slave, the place to start is with the rules. Set out what you and your partner want the rules to be – whether it’s going to be for a night, a weekend or forever. Some ideas include having slave positions for her to sit in whenever you say a certain cue. Another rule could be that she has to have her mouth open for oral pleasure whenever you desire. There can also be domestic aspects to this type of play, meaning that she might have to cook you dinner by a certain time or massage your feet when you come home from work.


Just because a woman is your BDSM slave does not mean that you can just do whatever you want with her, even if that is your agreement. As the Dom, you have a big responsibility to keep her safe and make sure she is well taken care of. Of course this can include proper punishments and lots of kinky fun, but you must make sure to not neglect your toy. After all, no one likes a broken toy! Make sure that your slave is happy and healthy, and your relationship will go far.

Posted in F

Bushie Mall

“Sick and perverted always appeals to me.”



Bushie Mall is a slang term for an agoraphiliac, which refers to someone who gets sexual pleasure from sex in public or sex outdoors. This differs from exhibitionism, which does not have to be outdoors and involves someone watching you. Bushie mall does not specifically involve someone watching, though it can.

By Popular Demand

According to the Kinsey Institute, a fantasy about public sex is one of the most popular fantasies across gender, age, and sexual orientation. Because sex is typically a private affair, having sex in public, even if no one is there to see you, feels transgressive and forbidden. If an orgasm happens in the woods and no one is there to hear it, did it still happen? YES! 

Bushie Mall Risks

Sex in public can be risky because of the threat of getting caught. This isn’t like getting caught by your parents when you were a teenager – this kind of getting caught can get you arrested and charged with public indecency and lewdness.  This is why you need to be very careful about what kind of public sex you want to have. Maybe sticking to the backyard, camping, or a closed bathroom is a better idea than in a public park or a parked car. 

Safe Execution

If you must have a Bushie Mall and make your fantasy a reality, make sure you take precautions. Check to make sure no one is around, and that there’s no chance of someone just walking around the corner. Anyone who sees you having sex on accident is officially seeing a sex act non-consensually and that can be a big problem – it will also get you busted for lewdness. Try to keep your public encounter behind closed doors. You can run into a single person bathroom, shut yourself into a spare bedroom or closet, swim WAY out in the ocean where you are fully hidden by water and distance, or go into a tent. You get the drift, keep your public sex private and you can enjoy your fantasy without negative side-effects.

Posted in B