
“The only disability in life is a bad attitude.”

-Scott Hamilton


Acrotomophilia, otherwise known as handicapped fetish, is when someone has a sexual desire to be with people who are differently abled. They may love people who use wheelchairs, or perhaps they like people who are in casts or on crutches. Those who might have a more extreme version of this fetish may like people who are missing limbs or who have a prosthetic limb. Others might fantasize about having one of their own limbs removed.

Devotees, Pretenders and Wannabes

The above three categories are the different types of player you can be in this unique but not unusual fetish. A devotee is someone who is not disabled but is sexually attracted to people who are. Many of them have a specific disability that they enjoy, while others simply like to take care of someone who is disabled in general, and they get sexual satisfaction from that. Pretenders pretend that they are disabled for sexual pleasure. They might use a wheelchair or crutches during a play scene. Wannabes are those who actually want to be disabled.

Why People Like It

Many people speculate that those that are into wheelchair, amputee and other disability fetishes are attracted to them for similar reasons to BDSM or bondage. The disabled person in their minds is helpless. Devotees are like doms, caring for and to some extent controlling the bottom. Wannabes and pretenders are like subs, putting themselves at the mercy of a devotee.

Amputee Fetish

This fetish is often enjoyed by many who don’t consider themselves to be fans of disability. It might be because it is simply so wrong and taboo to fixate on someone’s maiming or difference, that it is easy to fetishize it. Amputees also have a whole new level of helplessness that some devotees truly get off on. However, those who are wannabes of the amputee fetish can find themselves in a dangerous situation if they go to any lengths to actually enact their fantasies.

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